
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas Lights Nail Art

The holidays are so fun for so many reasons! We get to decorate, eat yummy treats, drink hot chocolate, go to lots of parties, and spend lots of time with family and loved ones! So since most of us decorate the tree, our house, offices at work, etc shouldn't we glam up our nails too and be festive all the way around?! On Thursday I did a nail party and EVERYONE wanted some sort of holiday design on their nails. Since I was the only one there (gasp, shouldn't the nail lady always have hers done?!)  that did not have my nails done yet I thought I should come home and jump on that wagon. I decided that Christmas lights on my nails would be a fun and fast design that I could do on both my daughter and myself.

Top and Base Coat (I preffere to use the Seche Vite Brand)
White Polish (China Glaze White on white)
Nail Art Brushes (ASP brand)
Acrylic Craft Paints 
You can find all of the supplies at Sally's Beauty Supply minus the craft paint. You can find the craft paint at any Michaels, Hobby Lobby, Joann's or Wal-Mart.

 Lets get started on the tutorial shall we?! I know you are all dying by now to know how to paint your nails super cute for the holidays!
 First you are going to clean and trim your nails. Be sure and give them a good shape. Apply your base coat. Once that is dry apply two coats of your white polish. Allow that to dry before following the next steps.
 With your black acrylic paint dip your nail art brush into the paint and draw thin lines on your nails. I think its fun to have each nail different so be creative with your squiggly lines! The great thing about this design is your lines don't have to be perfect!!!! 
 Next with you black paint still, you are going to put random little rectangles on the lines to make the base of your bulbs. Don't worry if they aren't perfect. Mine definitely were not. 
With your colored acrylic paints you will paint little bulb shapes on top of your rectangular shape. Have fun with your colors and make them bright and fun! If you feel that your strands need more lights on then you can always go back and apply more black bulb bases with the black and go back in with your colors for the bulbs. My daughter picked the colors for my lights which were red, green, orange, purple, and blue. Be sure and let your design dry before applying your top coat to avoid smearing. This would also be a great design to put on your toes! (sorry about the not so good pictures. I was hiding out in my closet while doing these.)

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