
Monday, December 10, 2012

Cherry Cordials

I'm sure by now everyone has stared their holiday baking and candy making! I am a little behind since I have been dealing with a household of sick kids. That is probably the only thing that I do not enjoy about this time of the year.Breaks my heart to see my little ones not feeling good. Since we are all starting to get over our sickness, tonight for our family home evening activity we thought it would be fun to begin the holiday candy making and make cherry cordials. We definitely have a sweet tooth (or two) around here!  These were always a favorite of mine growing up and still continue to be. These are surprisingly very simple to make!
2 (10-oz) jars maraschino cherries (you’ll need 40-50)
1/4 c butter, softened
2 1/4 c powdered sugar
1 Tbsp reserved cherry juice
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp almond extract
1 (9.5-oz) bag Hershey's milk chocolate  baking melts
 2 Tbsp Vegetable shortening


Drain your cherries (reserving 1Tbsp of the juice) and place cherries on a paper towel. With another paper towel dab them dry. In a large bowl mix softened butter and 1 cup powdered sugar. Add cherry juice, vanilla extract, and almond extract. Once liquids are mixed in add the remaining 1 1/4 cup of powdered sugar. Mix until well incorporated. 
Line your baking sheet with wax paper. Take 1 tsp of the cherry fondant and press it flat into your hand. Wrap the fondant around one of your dried off cherries. Pinch off any excess fondant and roll smooth. Place on your baking sheet. Repeat this process until all of the cherries are covered in fondant. Set in the freezer until firm. I allowed them to freeze over night.
Once your fondant cherries are frozen take them out of the freezer. In a microwave safe bowl put your chocolate baking melts in plus your 2 Tbsp vegetable shortening. Place in microwave and melt in 30 second intervals stirring each time in between until melted thoroughly. (I like to melt my chocolate on defrost so it doesn't melt so fast and burn) Drop fondant cherries into the chocolate and cover the entire cherry with chocolate. I poked a toothpick into the top to take the cherry out and wiped excess chocolate off the bottom before placing on the wax paper. Once they are all covered with chocolate put in refrigerator and allow the chocolate to harden. Once your Cherry cordials are completed be sure and store them in an air tight container. 

Recipe from Veronica's cornucopia

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