
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Green Salsa

Last night we went out to eat Mexican food at one of my dad's favorite restaurants growing up. Mattas! I haven't been there in years. Generally we hit up Mi Amigos or Tia Rosas but this was a good change. It got me in a salsa mood, so last night my husband made up this delicious green salsa. If you have ever eaten at Tia Rosas before than you are familiar with how dang good this salsa is. I could drink it! My dad started making it a few years ago, and gave the recipe to me. He is the green salsa master, but I think we are starting to catch up!
 Green Salsa
10 tomatillos husked
1 small onion (I used a yellow one. White is good too)
2 garlic cloves
1 small can diced green chilies
1 bunch cilantro
2 tsp lime juice
3-4 TBSP brown sugar
2 TSP white sugar
salt to taste
 Peel the husks off your totmatillos and wash. Place them in a pot of water .Let boil for about 10 minutes or until the tomatillos begin to soften, change color and burst. Once done put them on your cutting board and cut the core out of the centers. That is the bitter part of the tomatillo. Place them in the blender along with your onion, garlic, and cilantro. Once they are all blended pour it into a saucepan along with the remaining ingredients. Heat until it starts to boil and then remove from heat. Let it cool and taste. You might want to add a little more sugar or brown sugar to make it a little more sweet. I know I did! Beware you might eat the entire sitting! Its kinda addicting! Its great with chips, on tacos, burritos, Nachos etc. I hope you guys enjoy!

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