
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Strawberry Crepes

I love fresh strawberries! Once the weather starts warming up and they become in season I am one happy girl. There are so many delicious things that you can make with fresh strawberries and strawberry crepes has got to be on my top ten list. These are so delicious and almost too good to be considered a breakfast food. They are more of a treat if you ask me. Not only are they delicious and something the kids enjoy eating as well, they are really simple to make.
4 Eggs
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
3/4 milk
1 cup flour
1/2 cube melted butter
Mix all ingredients together in a blender and cook on medium high in a nonstick skillet. Once the edges start to brown they are ready to flip to the other side.
My absolute most favorite way to eat crepes is with sour cream, brown sugar, and fresh strawberries. That is how I grew up eating them and you can't dis it til you try it. I know it sounds a little weird but I promise you they are SOOO DELICIOUS. All you need to do is put a little bit of sour cream down the center of your crepe,put as many diced strawberries on as you like, sprinkle with brown sugar, and roll it up. You can garnish the top with even more diced strawberries, fresh strawberry syrup, and whipped cream.  

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