Thursday, December 20, 2012

Brown Sugar Caramels

If you ask me I will always tell you homemade beats store bought any day! I love making things that are covered in caramel like chocolate dipped pretzel rods and caramel apples. I have always been intimidated to make homemade caramels though. That darn candy thermometer and making sure it doesn't go above a certain temperature.  I decided that I would be brave this year and try making them on my own, as opposed to asking my mom to which I always do... I have to say that it was surprisingly easy to do and they turned out absolutely delicious. I may or may not have eaten half the batch. Shhh don't tell my husband since he was wondering why there weren't very many left when he came home from work. 
Brown Sugar Caramels

1 cup butter
2 1/4 cups brown sugar
dash of salt
1 cup light corn syrup
1-14 oz can sweetened condensed milk
1 tsp vanilla

In a heavy 3 quart saucepan melt butter. Add brown sugar and salt and stir thoroughly. Stir in corn syrup and mix well. Gradually add sweetened condensed milk stirring constantly. Cook and stir over medium heat until your candy thermometer reaches 237 degrees which is the soft ball stage. Be sure that your candy thermometer that is clipped to the side of your pan does not touch the bottom of the pan. Once your caramel has reached 237 degrees remove from heat and stir in vanilla. Pour caramels into a buttered 9x13 pan. Once cooled cut up caramels and wrap in squares of wax paper. 

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