
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thin Mint Truffles

Thin Mint Truffles
I am a girl scout cookie girl! My favorites have to be the thin mints and samoa cookies. When the ice cream comes out that one time of the year I go crazy and stock up. But lets be honest here. I mainly just pick out the cookie parts and leave the ice cream part to my husband. While I was surfing the web I ran across these truffles at confessions of a cookbook queen. I love truffles (the original Oreo kind) but when I saw these I knew that I HAD to try them. Good thing I had a craft night tonight so I wasn't stuck eating them all. I would have gained about 10 pounds!
2 packages of the keebler Fudge Shoppe Grasshopper cookies
1 package of cream cheese.
Almond bark or melting chocolates

Put your cookies in a food processor or blender. If you don't have one you can put them in a freezer size Ziploc bag and smash them as good as you can with a rolling pin or your hands. When they cookies are smashed to a fine mixture put in in a bowl and mix with room temperature cream cheese. I have found it easiest to mush it all together using my hands. Washing them VERY good before hand of course! : ) If you prefer not to do that you can mix it together with a spoon. Once its all mixed roll into 1 inch balls. Place on cookie sheet lined with wax paper or a non stick liner.

Let them sit in the fridge for about 30 min. Once they are chilled you can reshape your balls if they are a little off shaped.
Melt your chocolate in the microwave, in a chocolate warmer, or double broiler. If you do it in the microwave be sure to only do it in 30 second intervals. You don't want to over melt your chocolate or else it will get thick and lumpy. Place your truffles into the chocolate and coat evenly. Put them back on your cookie sheet and allow the chocolate to dry. You can top them with sprinkles, crushed cookies, or even drizzle them with the left over chocolate.
These are such an easy and simple treat, yet so elegant for any party, shower, or even get together. And the best part is EVERYONE ( well at least almost everyone ) LOVES them! These recipe made about 30, 1 inch truffles.



  1. Hmm.. These look SO delicious!!
    I would love it if you shared this at {nifty thrifty sunday}!
    Hope to see you there!

  2. LOVE THIS! I featured you on my Favorites of the Week! Hope you can stop by:

    Erin @ How to Nest for Less

  3. These look really yummy and easy. I can't wait to try them. Thanks for sharing.
