
Sunday, August 21, 2011

One of those days

Do you guys ever seem to have one of those days where nothing seems to go right? Let me tell ya, Saturday was just one of those days. My sister-in-law was having her baby shower and I offered to help out and bring a treat for it. She text me a few days before the shower saying she would love if I brought some cupcakes. I told her a few that I had been wanting to try out and we decided that Root beer float cupcakes would be good and go perfect with the color scheme of the shower. Saturday morning rolls around and i'm so excited to try this recipe. Rootbeer is my FAVORITE soda of all time. The recipe was VERY simple. 1 box white cake mix and 1 cup of your favorite rootbeer. Mix and fill liners 3/4 full. I followed the directions except I put more like 2 cups rootbeer. I could barely taste it with 1 cup. Half way through baking they looked fine then at the very end they were overflowing! I think it had something to do with the extra carbonation in the mix. So they were pretty much a disaster.

I figured since I said I would bring something I probably should. I had some Oreos and chocolate almond bark and decided that chocolate covered Oreos would be a good substitute. I mean what girl doesn't love chocolate and Oreos. I made them all up and they looked super good until I decided I wanted to put a letter J on top of each one in blue chocolate. I am a perfectionist and when they didn't turn out exactly how I wanted I didn't want to bring those either, but only had an hour before the shower now and had no time to prepare anything else. I decided to bring them anyways. I headed out the the car only to find out the battery was dead and the car wouldn't start. I took our old, little civic that has barely any working air. Lets just say with the 110 degree weather we have here in good ol' Arizona my chocolate covered oreos didn't make it more than 5 minutes in the car without melting. I seriously wanted to cry. Good thing I passed a Safeway on the way to the shower and was able to pick up a delicious coconut creme pie. Mmm SOOO good.
So the lesson I learned from my disastrous Saturday is always make treats a day in advance in case of mess ups, AND shopping always make a bad day turn right back around. I may or may not have come home with new fabric for some projects and 4 new shirts! ; )
Hopefully you guys had a wonderful weekend and got some good ol' crafting done!

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