
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Great Find!

Am I the only one that gets super excited and giddy like a little girl on Christmas morning when I find a great find? I literally will call or text anyone that I think would be interested in the deal and tell them about it. Well, my great find of today was these cute beverage containers from Hobby Lobby. I spotted them back in the spring when the price tag was $59.99. I being the bargain shopper that I am couldn't justify spending that much on them. Not even $30.00 when they were 50% off every other week.
About a month and a half ago I spotted them in the 66% off section for somewhere around $20.00. It was tempting to get one then but I decided I better hold off. Tonight I was on my what seems to be weekly run to Hobby Lobby and spotted these beauties in the 80% off section. They were only $12.00. How could I not resist. I picked up the blue since that was the only color available at the location by my house then ran over to the other one in town and got the pink. I am SO excited to be able to use the pink one at the strawberry lemonade baby shower I am hosting this Saturday. So there you have it, My 2 beverage containers for less then the price of 1 at 50% off.
Oh boy how I do LOVE a GREAT FIND!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your blog! I just discovered it! Love the nail polish tutorial! I'm now you're newest follower! come see me at I'd love to have ya guest post your nailpolish tutorial..let me know!

